Addition of Arlington Network, Accessibility Improvements, and Resources Page Updates Enhance Student and Employee Hubs

Effective Feb. 17, Arlington students will see their network location and weather on the Student Hub homepage, and their network news on the News and Events page. In addition, people recommendations and the ability to search for students in the Arlington network location are now available on the Discover page. 

Arlington network location on the Student Hub
Discover page on the Student Hub

While accessibility improvements have been made on the Student Hub, and the Robin app icon has been updated to match the service’s new branding, the release also resolves some issues on the Resources page on both the Student Hub and the Employee Hub. 

Lastly, in the footers of both Hubs, the Silicon Valley link has been updated to point to

Log in to the Student or Employee Hub at

Improvements to the Student Hub and the Employee Hub are ongoing to ensure that students and employees have one-stop access to the information and assets they need most. Students and employees are encouraged to use the feedback form on each Hub to share ideas and thoughts to help the platforms reach their full potential.